Mittwoch, 11. April 2012

new project

thanatosblog encouraged me to start a new project. I was unhappy with the performance of my home TV set up. I currently have a BlueRay player form LG (BD 390) which is an excellent network player, if only it would play along with all routers and switches (at the moment it won't connect to the network and I am tired to find the right set up that will play nicely with it). First and last LG product I ever owned. On the other side I have an X-Box 360. Which looks ok but is just not that polished when it comes to display content form my DLNA enabled NAS. Besides it won't play my mkv files. I used XBMC on my computer before to play media from my NAS and really liked it. Especially the eye candy when browsing through my movie database. Now I found on thanatosblog an article on how to get XBMC onto apple TV 2 and there I go. I bid on a second hand version of it and hope to get it within the week. I will post here how the jailbreaking, downgrading and then installing of XBMCubuntu will work out for me.
Now all I need to do is to finish ripping all my DVDs and find a way how to get my bluerays on the network drive.

Freitag, 2. März 2012

Thank you SWISS! Not!

Not home, still in Brussels. What happened? Swiss cancelled the flight. If done a little earlier I could have caught the flight to Zurich... would it have anything to do with only seven passengers? ... technical difficulties. Yeah right. At least have a smile for the stressed passengers who now get to the hotel at 22:30 and have to get up at 5 o'clock in the morning. Would I like to have a hotel! Where do you think I will spend the night? It is not my bloody fault that you messed up. So make it up to me and keep your bloody bad mood to yourself.

Any African diamond mine owner has more moral understanding towards their customers than any of these airlines these days!Edit

Donnerstag, 23. Februar 2012

At least I didn't have to give my credit card information

Sitting here at Krakow airport with no Internet connection. No possibility to do email or any other real work. At least checking in worked for once. I did it the old fashioned way at the desk. Very helpful lady! Back to Internet. Plenty of wireless networks available, just none seems to work for me. Maybe I just don't hold it right. Anyway, soon off to Munich and then have plenty of time for dinner and downloading emails. If I get a connection.

Internet Zugang an Flughäfen

<p>Liebe Flughafen Betreiber, </p>
<p>Es ist wirklich löblich, dass ihr uns 30 Minuten gratis Internet zur Verfügung stellt. Weshalb muss man das aber so umständlich machen? Wieso muss ich meine Telefonnummer angeben? Wieso muss ich dann auf eine sms warten? Immerhin, irgendwann ist dann auch die sms gekommen, oh, jetzt muss ich zum Boarding.

Freitag, 10. Februar 2012

An interesting read. Defenitly good for passing a few minutes before going back to work!

Nine lost treasures – and why science wants them back

From stolen moon rocks to the skin of a sea monster, many of science's most intriguing treasures have gone missing. Finding them could answer important questions about life on Earth and where humans came from.

Mittwoch, 8. Februar 2012

Lifehacker hat einen richtig guten Tipp wie man auf Windows mit Chrome Browser Gmail als Standard für mailto: Links einrichtet. Einfach und schnell und ohne Erweiterungen!

Mittwoch, 1. Februar 2012

Dieser Artikel bei Heise macht auf eine unangenehme Neuerung bei Blogger aufmerksam. In Zukunft sollen die Leser je nach Herkunft wohl auf eine Länderspezifische Top Level Domain weitergeleitet werden und entsprechend gefilterte Inhalte zu sehen bekommen. Das heisst eigentlich nichts anderes, als dass Google als private Organisation entscheiden will, wer was sehen soll. Allerdings könnte es auch sein, dass erst davon Gebrauch gemacht wird, wenn ein Gerichtsurteil vorhanden ist und man so verhindern kann, dass Inhalte, welche nur in bestimmten Ländern illegal empfunden werden, gleich überall gelöscht werden müssten. Zu hoffen ist, dass diese Filterung wirklich nur auf Gerichtsbeschlüsse für das jeweilige Land entfernt werden und dass diese Filterung relativ einfach per Proxy umgangen werden kann.